Piano di battaglia contro l'infopoverta' - Developing World Needs Linux

Marco Trotta marco.trotta at inwind.it
Tue Jun 24 14:24:37 CEST 2003

+ Piano di battaglia contro l'infopoverta'.
Internet via satellite auto-alimentato per il mondo a caccia di
connettivita'. Il progetto in Libano, le iniziative in Honduras, Niger,
Senegal, Cambogia e India, la creazione dei Solar Villages. Il punto sugli
sforzi di ONU, Unesco e OCCAM <http://punto-informatico.it/p.asp?i=44552>.

+ Developing World Needs Linux.
To get the economy of a developing country going, its government must stamp
out corruption, ramp up efficiency and use open-source technology to build
a cheap, reliable information infrastructure, experts at a conference
sponsored by the United Nations told investors and policy-makers this week.
By sticking with basic, low-cost, open-source technology, developing
countries have a better chance of establishing vibrant economies,
executives at the Net World Order conference said

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