[Pluto-help] Home con samba e Nis

Cristian Bortolato bortolato a katamail.com
Mar 27 Feb 2001 12:26:09 CET

Il problema di fondo è questo:
Come posso far montare una directory in rete dal mio utente (no root), per
poter avere i diritti:
	drwxr--r--	<utente>	<utente>

Mi serve questo perchè la directory in questione è la mia home directory ed
è situata in un server NT.
Spero perchè sapiate rispondermi...

Ringrazio in anticipo.

 -----Original Message-----
Subject:	A non root user cannot smbmount

My system: RH Linux 6.2 with samba 2.0.7

Hello, I'm trying to allow common users to mount smb volumes.
I put an entry on my fstab like this

//<host name>/<share>	<mount point> smbfs	noauto,user 0 0

Everything works fine for the root user: Samba asks the password 
to authenticate root against an NT domain (security=domain).

When I try to make the same thing logged as a common user, 
smbmount said that I had to install smbmnt suid root to allow 
common users to mount the volume. I chmod u+s to either 
smbmnt, smbmount and smbumount. 
Now smbmount doesn't request suid root anymore but gives this error:

cannot mount on /workspace/documenti: Operation not permitted
smbmnt failed: 1
mount.smbfs: ioctl failed, res=-1
Could not umount /workspace/documenti: Invalid argument

I tried to give any possible permission to the mount point, but
it didn't work.

Have you any suggest?

Thank you

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