(R)e: [Pluto-help] Scrip Changing IP .zone files DNS

(R)ex Sanna rexsanna a tiscali.it
Dom 10 Nov 2002 23:38:34 CET

About '[Pluto-help] Scrip Changing IP .zone files DNS'

# Sono Sebastiano,
# Desideravo chiedervi se avete uno script gia fatto per cambiare l'indirizzo
# IP in tutte le zonedel DNS, devo risolvere questo problema in un tempo
# brevissimo.

# Hi!
# I'm Sebastiano,
# I need to change my IP addresses since my webfarmer is changing his
# provider.

# Must I need to edit .zone files one by one?
Use perl.
Xor pyton..

# Do anybody know about some script to make this changes?
# So, how did you resolve it ?
Try to write down some scripts..
It's as easy as you pretend.. ;o)

# ===================================================================
# Manuel (R)ex Sanna
# [Studente al Dipartimento di Informatica di Torino]
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# I computer non servono a nulla. Danno solo risposte
#                                                 -- Pablo Picasso --
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