[Pluto-help] wuftpd e chroot
Tom aka 'Dido'
dido a sicurweb.com
Mer 12 Mar 2003 22:59:04 CET
Hash: SHA1
usi la direttiva
On Wednesday 12 March 2003 17:50, gianni a cln.it wrote:
> Salve a tutti,
> ho un problema ftp su un server...
> c'e' installata un Red Hat 7.3 con wuftp come server ftp.
> Il problmea e' questo: attualmente le directory dove si puo' entrare in
> ftp non sono chiuse... cioe' l'utente che si logga entra si' nella sua
> directory, ma puo' viaggiare anche nelle altre... puo' fare un cd .. per
> intenderci...
> come posso evitarlo?
man ftpaccess:
- ------------
guestgroup <groupname> [<groupname> ...]
guestuser <username> [<username> ...]
realgroup <groupname> [<groupname> ...]
realuser <username> [<username> ...]
For guestgroup, if a REAL user is a member of any of <groupname>, the session
is set up exactly as with anonymous FTP. In other words, a chroot() is
done, and the user is no longer permitted to issue the USER and PASS
<groupname> is a valid group from /etc/group (or whatever mechanism your
getgrent(3) library routine uses).
The user's home directory must be properly set up, exactly as anonymous FTP
would be. The home directory field of the passwd entry is divided into two
directories. The first field is the root directory which will be the
argument to the chroot(2) call. The second half is the user's home directory
relative to the root directory. The two halves are separated by a
For example, in /etc/passwd, the real entry:
guest1:<passwd>:100:92:Guest Account:/ftp/./incoming:/etc/ftponly
When guest1 successfully logs in, the ftp server will chroot("/ftp") and
then chdir("/incoming"). The guest user will only be able to access the
directory structure under /ftp (which will look and act as / to guest1), just
as an anonymous FTP user would.
For example:
guestuser *
realgroup admin
causes all non-anonymous users to be treated as guest, with the sole
exception of users in the admin group who are granted real user access.
Tutto chiaro, no?
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