This mail is probably spam. The original message has been attached along with this report, so you can recognize or block similar unwanted mail in future. See for more details. Content preview: Ciao a tutti, chiedevo e qualcuno sa darmi spiegazione su come mai con Sendmail quando in locale con Pine spedisco mail le leggo e le spedisco, mentre collegandomi da remoto riesco solo a leggere l'email. Premetto che non ho nessun firewall, per le prove di casalinghe non l'ho attivato. [...] Content analysis details: (6.80 points, 6 required) FROM_ENDS_IN_NUMS (0.6 points) From: ends in numbers RATWARE_EMWAC (2.9 points) Bulk email software fingerprint ("EMWAC SMTPRS") found in headers MSG_ID_ADDED_BY_MTA_3 (0.5 points) 'Message-Id' was added by a relay (3) FORGED_MUA_EUDORA (2.8 points) Forged mail pretending to be from Eudora