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bombadur bombadur a email.it
Mar 11 Gen 2005 18:21:02 CET

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*** on Tuesday 11 January 2005 17:58, Giulio Daprelà wrote:

> > È già prevista una presunta data di pubblicazione della prossima
> > versione?
> Sto seguendo la mailing list di sviluppo di lfs, e non si è ancora
> parlato di date di rilascio della versione 6.1.

Loro di solito dicono "uscira` quando sara` pronta".. ;-)
Anche se in effetti, LFS 6.0 e` un sistema molto aggiornato.

Per vedere lo stato testing di LFS ti consiglio di seguire la
lfs-hackers piuttosto che non la lfs-dev, che riguarda piu` il libro
che non le compilazioni (ovviamente, imho)
Purtroppo sembra invece che vada ormai senza timoniere il progetto ALFS.

> Non sembra che al momento ci siano molti ritorni di gente con
> difficoltà di compilazione o pacchetti con vulnerabilità gravi da
> aggiornare. Può darsi che decidano di aspettare ad aggiornarlo quando
> una release 6.1 sarà realmente giustificata.

Ma non stanno mica fermi!! ;-)

Post di ieri:
- ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: State of Unstable - 1/9/05
Date: Monday 10 January 2005 09:16
From: Jeremy Utley
To: lfs-hackers a linuxfromscratch.org
Cc: lfs-dev a linuxfromscratch.org

Hey all!

Another update on unstable coming your way!  Matt was busy today moving
things into testing, so we've got a lot lower list of differences to
address this time around.

Package differences:

1) Glibc - still holding on this one for a possible 2.3.4 release
tarball, which I hope will be coming very soon now.

2) Findutils-4.2.11 - this is a development package, that seems
relatively stable - the only thing is, it's a little more strict with
the syntax to find, which caused us some early problems with
bootscripts, and necessitated a patch to iproute2.  Recommend to stay
with our current version for a while longer

3) LFS-Bootscripts-3.1.0 - not sure how widely this has been tested -
it's working fine here, but if others could chime in with their
experiences with the new scripts, good or bad, this could be a prime
candidate for migration soon.

4) Linux-libc-headers - Recent release, but with the quality
 of Marisuz's releases so far, could in fact be a prime candidate

Patch differences:

1) bash-3.0-fixes-3.patch - further updates to the bash package from
upstream.  I think Jim put together a -4 yesterday that brings us
totally current with the upstream patches for bash - Jim??

2) iproute2-2.6.9_041019-find_update-1.patch - this one goes in hand
with the newer versions of findutils.

Command differences:

1) Archaic's sed to stop installation of the groups binary and man page
from shadow - good candidate for inclusion very soon

2) Use of the --libdir parameter for zlib, readline, and shadow to
 place the libraries into /lib instead of letting them be installed
 into /usr/lib and moving them after - I haven't compared these two
 sets of instructions yet, but assuming they do the same thing, I don't
 see any reason they can't move over.

There you have it!

- -J-
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