[PLUTO-ildp] Editor con sintassi evidenziata ..
Hugh Hartmann
hhartmann a libero.it
Sab 9 Dic 2006 19:02:52 CET
Un saluto cordiale a tutti i partecipanti alla lista.
Allora, finalmente sono riuscito a trovare l'editor giusto che mi
evidenzia la sintassi sgml alla perfezione, l'editor in questione si
chiama lpe, si trova in versione .rpm o in formato sorgente. L'ho
convertito con alien trasformandolo in pacchetto .deb, l'ho installato e
funzina alla grande. Richiede la libreria slang1 (comunissima, usata
anche per mutt) e naturalmente la libc6. E' velocissimo, probabilmente
funziona anche su di un 386 con poca ram ... :-) Riporto alcune info per
chi fosse interssato ...
LPE - A Lightweight Programmer's Editor for UNIX
LPE is a small, efficient programmer's editor for UNIX systems. It has
grown from the result of a single night of hacking into a very capable
and very versatile editor that defines it's own philosophy opf text
editing. That philosophy is that awk and sed are the right tools for
most advanced editing jobs, and a text editor should make simple
operations easy and make text look good.
LPE does that with support for visual features like automatic
indentation, brace flashing, and syntax highlighting. The editor
includes a generic plug-in architecture supporting a variety of
languages with "modes" that can be added at any time. It also supports
easy commands to run the current buffer through an awk or sed script,
and a macro recorder and command repeater to ease repetitive editing.
With all of this, LPE is still one of the smallest, most efficient,
and least cumbersome editors available for UNIX systems!
Lpe is free software, which means that you are free to use, modify, or
redistribute the software as long as you keep it free for other
people. It is distributed under the GPL, which is a license designed
by the Free Software Foundation to ensure these rights. (It's also
open source if you prefer that world view.)
To find out more about lpe, you can try it out, subscribe to the
mailing list, or take a look at some screen shots of lpe running in an
July 8, 2001: The 1.2.6 release is now up on the web site. This is a
bug fix release that solves several known problems with 1.2.5. This
release is in no way my own work, so let's have a round of applause
from Gergely Nagy, who compiled and sent me the release files when I
was unable to do so myself.
July 24, 2000: I've now identified the author of the multi-buffer
patch. A big thanks to Brandon Stepler! You are now listed in the
README file.
July 23, 2000: I've lost track of who sent me the multi-buffer patch!
If that person would identify themselves to me, I will give you much
deserved credit. But right now, I don't know who you are. Please drop
an e-mail my way.
This page was last updated July 8, 2001. Please e-mail suggestions and
comments to cdsmith a twu.net.
Penso che sia giusto provarlo. Ora cerchero' di velocizzare le mie
traduzioni, revisioni ....
Au Revoir
Hugh Hartmann
... Linux, Windows Xp ed MS-DOS
(anche conosciuti come il Bello, il Brutto ed il Cattivo).
-- Matt Welsh
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