[PLUTO-journal] NOTICE: mail delivery status. (informacia o stave dorucenia spravy)
Mail Delivery Notification
mailer-daemon a nextra.sk
Ven 22 Ago 2003 12:27:56 CEST
This is a delivery status notification from mx-backup1.nextra.sk,
running the Nextra mail server.
The original message was received on Fri, 22 Aug 2003 12:27:44 +0200
from DURCI_M ([])
Vasu spravu nebolo mozne dorucit nasledujucim adresatom:
Your message to the following recipients cannot be delivered:
<elis a nextra.sk>:
mailhub.nextra.sk []:
>>> DATA
<<< 500 REJECT - RAV AntiVirus plugin for the Courier MTA has found a virus in the e-mail you are about to send. Your message is not delivered..
Povodna sprava je pripojena k tomuto oznamu ako priloha.
If your message was also sent to additional recipients, their delivery
status is not included in this report. You may or may not receive
other delivery status notifications for additional recipients.
The original message follows as a separate attachment.
-------------- parte successiva --------------
Un allegato non testuale è stato rimosso....
Nome: non disponibile
Tipo: text/rfc822-headers
Dimensione: 471 bytes
Descrizione: non disponibile
URL: <http://lists.pluto.it/pipermail/pluto-journal/attachments/20030822/66a692ad/attachment.bin>
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