[Pluto-security] Qualche news...

Dido pluto-security@lists.pluto.linux.it
Sat, 5 Oct 2002 02:12:24 +0000

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Salve a tutta la lista! Vi posto qualche link che secondo me può essere utile:

Nuova top20 delle vulnerabilità, sencondo il SANS:

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Da slashdot:

Web Hacking: Attacks and Defense
SecurityPosted by timothy on Wednesday October 02, @11:00AM
from the attack-of-the-bullet-points dept.
zenomorph writes: "I first heard of this book on amazon.com on a Monday
morning, and read the reviews of people who had purchased this book. I
noticed that there were no reviews from any person in the web security
community had commented on it, either on Amazon or anywhere else (with the
exception of two brief comments on the back of the book, of which one was
written by the person who wrote the book's foreword). So I decided to pick
it up on Friday after I left work and see what it had to offer. After
picking up the book I noticed it was co-authored by three people who all
work for Foundstone, a very large security company that deals with
everything (including web security). This review will cover some of the
topics covered in this book, along with things that could or should have
been covered in greater detail." Read on for the rest of zenomorph's review.

New NATD for FreeBSD now available * BSDForums.org 30 September 2002   
Submitted By : Dan
The existing natd functionality is pretty powerful in translating different
kinds of traffic but not very powerful with its configuration issues.
According to project contacts Andre Opperman and Claudio Jeker, this project
rewrites natd and parts of libalias to give it a configuration set as
powerful and expressive as the ones in ipf (ipnat) and pf. In addition,
it'll use kqueue and will support aliasing to multiple IP addresses.

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