[PLUTO-help] DNS log inesistenti

ivan re re.ivan a gmail.com
Lun 5 Mar 2007 15:36:14 CET

La prima parte di named.conf è:

options {
        directory "/var/named";
        dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";
        statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt";
         * If there is a firewall between you and nameservers you want
         * to talk to, you might need to uncomment the query-source
         * directive below.  Previous versions of BIND always asked
         * questions using port 53, but BIND 8.1 uses an unprivileged
         * port by default.
         //  query-source address * port 53;  //scommentato da IVAN
          auth-nxdomain yes;               // conform to RFC1035

logging {
        channel "security_info" {
                file "/var/named/data/named-auth.log" versions 3 size 20m;
                severity info;
                print-category yes;
                print-severity yes;
                print-time yes;
        channel "query_logging" {
                file "/var/named/data/named-query.log" versions 3 size 20m;
                severity info;
                print-category yes;
                print-severity yes;
                print-time yes;
category "security" { "security_info"; };
category "queries" { "query_logging"; };

Perchè la cartella data è vuota? Come faccio a vedere i log di named???


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