[PLUTO-help] creazione dvd debian

Giancarlo Pegoraro genkipegoraro a cai-bergamo.it
Ven 16 Mar 2007 16:26:09 CET

Ciao a tutti :-)
e... scusate l'intromissione :-)
Il giorno gio, 15/03/2007 alle 17.46 +0100, Paride Desimone ha scritto:
> Il giorno mer, 14/03/2007 alle 21.35 +0100, Matteo Semplice ha
> scritto:
> > Ciao,
> >  c'è una sezione di Debian-Jigdo mini-HOWTO che spiega come funzione
> jigdo e 
> > come si creano i file di cui hai bisogno. Essenzialmente devi creare
> la ISO 
> > che vuoi e darla in pasto a jigdo-file, che crea i file .jigdo
> e .tenplate 
> > che poi jigdo-lite usa per ricostruire le iso dai singoli file.
> > 
> > Se hai difficoltà domani ti mando la bozza della traduzione
> dell'howto. (Mi 
> > ero quasi scordato che avevo promesso di farla e sto cercando di
> completarla 
> > prima del rilascio di etch, ma anche nello stato attuale è
> leggibile...)
> > 
> > Matteo
> > 
Si! va bene tutta la tiritera ma non fa prima a creare le .iso con
Adesso non ricordo bene ma cercando con google magari con la parola
"repository locale".
Nella lista ubuntu.it, tempo fa, ho letto di un'amico che si era fatto
il repository di ubuntu e poi da questo ha fatto i dvd .iso
perfettamente funzionanti. Ah! spiegava anche come :-)
Nel nostro caso Paride ha gia il "repository" gli basta fare le tre o
piu' .iso che gli servono :-)

Ciao Genki ):o))

Ps. Provo ad incollare quello che avevo trovato io tempo fa. E' per
Ubuntu ma penso che facendo le dedite modifiche....

> Building Ubuntu DVD images
> Copyright © 2005 Ramon Acedo <ramon at cargol.net>, Cargol.net
> Solucions Lliures
> Table of Contents
> 1. Download the Ubuntu repositories in a set of 3 DVD
> 2. Building a local mirror
> 3. Separating the archive into DVD-sized directories
> 4. Making iso images
> 5. An example with scripts
>     This howto offers a simple way of creating DVD Debian or Ubuntu
> repositories from the http or ftp repositories.
>     Ubuntu doesn't offer DVDs ready to download with its main,
> universe and multiverse repositories. With the contents of this howto
> you can do it yourself and, for those not able to or not willing to do
> all the stuff here, I have prepared the DVD images ready to download
> as .torrent files.
>     Having the Ubuntu or Debian repositories in DVD can be useful for
> those users who don't have access to the Internet where they have
> their Ubuntu installed but have access somewhere else to download the
> repository and build and burn the DVDs.
> 1. Download the Ubuntu repositories in a set of 3 DVD
> What I explain here is not very complicated, is it? but, wouldn't it
> be easier just downloading the DVDs? I have created the .torrents with
> the contents of the online repositories ready to be downloaded.
> At Cargol.net we offer Ubuntu and Debian support and we want that as
> many people as possible can take profit of the work we do. I find it's
> great being able to share resources with the community, isn't it?.
> You can download the following torrent files.
> Ubuntu Multiverse and Universe (DVD 1/2)
> Ubuntu Multiverse and Universe (DVD 2/2)
> Ubuntu Main (DVD 1/1)
> 2. Building a local mirror
> We have to install debmirror:
> $ sudo aptitude install debmirror
> Now we get the Ubuntu repositories in a local directory. In the
> examble below we get main, universe and multiverse sections of the
> repository in the i386 architecture.
> $ debmirror --nosource -m --passive --host=archive.ubuntulinux.org \
> --root=ubuntu/ --method=ftp --progress --dist=breezy \
> --section=main,multiverse,universe --arch=i386 ubuntu/
> --ignore-release-gpg
> You can get the script here.
> Note that the "\" just split the command into different lines. The
> command itself is only one line.
> 3. Separating the archive into DVD-sized directories
> The repositories we got are too big to burn them to a DVD so we have
> to separate them into volumes.
> The tool debpartial will do it for us.
Paride dovrebbe cominciare da qui adattando i comandi alla sua Debian
sempre che non faccia uso di "sudo" ;-)

> $ sudo aptitude install debpartial
> We make the directory where the volumes will reside.
> $ mkdir ubuntu-dvd
> and we make it to construct the package descriptors to every volume.
> $ debpartial --nosource --dirprefix=ubuntu
> --section=main,universe,multiverse \
> --dist=breezy --size=DVD ubuntu/ ubuntu-dvd/
> Now we have to put the packages into the directories debpartial have
> just created. The script debcopy which also comes with the debpartial
> package will do it.
> $ ruby debcopy ubuntu/ ubuntu-dvd/ubuntu0
> $ ruby debcopy ubuntu/ ubuntu-dvd/ubuntu1
> $ ruby debcopy ubuntu/ ubuntu-dvd/ubuntu2
> Where ubuntu/ is the directory with the complete repository created
> with debmirror and ubuntu-dvd/* are the directories ready to host the
> new DVD-ready repository.
> If we want to make soft links from the complete repository instead of
> copying the packages we can call debcopy with the option -l:
> $ ruby debcopy -l ubuntu/ ubuntu-dvd/ubuntu0
> $ ruby debcopy -l ubuntu/ ubuntu-dvd/ubuntu1
> $ ruby debcopy -l ubuntu/ ubuntu-dvd/ubuntu2
> Now every directory ubuntu0, ubuntu1 and ubuntu2 fit in one DVD.
> 4. Making iso images
> To get the directories ubuntu0, ubuntu1, ubuntu2 into an iso image
> ready to burn we can use mkisofs:
> $ mkisofs -f -J -r -o ubuntu-dvd-0.iso ubuntu-dvd/ubuntu0
> $ mkisofs -f -J -r -o ubuntu-dvd-1.iso ubuntu-dvd/ubuntu1
> $ mkisofs -f -J -r -o ubuntu-dvd-2.iso ubuntu-dvd/ubuntu2

E qui sarebbe gia' a posto :-)
> 5. An example with scripts
> The following two scripts are an example of how to automate what I
> have described in this article.
> Firstly the script which mirrors the Ubuntu repository in a local
> directory:
> #!/bin/bash -x
> /usr/bin/debmirror --nosource -m --passive
> --host=archive.ubuntulinux.org \
>                    --root=ubuntu/ --method=ftp --progress
> --dist=breezy \
> 		   --ignore-release-gpg --section=main,multiverse,universe \
> 		   --arch=i386 /backups/ubuntu/ 
> And now a script that builds the iso images from the local repository
> using the debcopy script:
> #!/bin/bash
> ##########################################################
> # Copyright (c) Ramon Acedo ramon at cargol.net          #
> # License:  Creative Commons GNU/GPL:                    #
> #           http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/ #
> ##########################################################
> #############
> # Variables #
> #############
> # Mirror of the complete local ubuntu repository (main, universe,
> multiverse)
> UBUNTU_FULL_REP="/backups/ubuntu"
> # Directory where the
> ISOS_DIR="/home/isos"
> # DVD sized Repositories
> MAIN_REP_DVD="/home/ubuntu-dvd/main"
> UNIVERSE_MULTIVERSE_REP_DVD="/home/ubuntu-dvd/universe-multiverse"
> ####################
> # End of Variables #
> ####################
> echo Removing current dvd-sized repositories...
> echo "$MAIN_REP_DVD/*"
> rm -rf $MAIN_REP_DVD/*
> echo
> echo Building main...
> echo
> debpartial --nosource --dirprefix=ubuntu --section=main --dist=breezy
> --size=DVD \
> echo
> echo Building universe and multiverse...
> echo
> debpartial --nosource --dirprefix=ubuntu --section=universe,multiverse
> \
>            --dist=breezy --size=DVD $UBUNTU_FULL_REP/
> echo
> echo "Making the soft links with main... (debcopy -l)"
> echo
> for part in $MAIN_REP_DVD/*; do
>         echo "Linking $part..."
>         ruby /usr/local/bin/debcopy -l $UBUNTU_FULL_REP $part
>         echo "Building iso image:
> $ISOS_DIR/cargol.net-ubuntu-main.iso ..."
>         mkisofs  -quiet -f -J -r -o
> $ISOS_DIR/cargol.net-ubuntu-main.iso $part
> done
> echo
> echo "Making the soft links with universe and multiverse... (debcopy
> -l)"
> echo
> i=0
> for part in $UNIVERSE_MULTIVERSE_REP_DVD/*; do
>         echo "Linking $part..."
>         ruby /usr/local/bin/debcopy -l $UBUNTU_FULL_REP $part
>         (( i++ ))
>         echo "Building iso image:
> $ISOS_DIR/cargol.net-ubuntu-universe-multiverse-$i.iso"
>         mkisofs  -quiet -f -J -r -o \
> $ISOS_DIR/cargol.net-ubuntu-universe-multiverse-$i.iso $part
> done

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