[PLUTO-meeting] Cena sociale!

Luca Berton mr.evolution a tiscali.it
Gio 7 Giu 2007 22:08:52 CEST

Buonasera a tutti!
Con tutto il rispetto per questa discussione ma credo francamente che il luogo più importante sia dove di terrà l'evento e che si faccia il possibile perché il tutto sia innanzitutto piacevole per il pubblico e per i relatori.
La cena sarà senz'altro un ottimo spunto di riflessione sui risultati dell'evento in qualunque luogo essa si tenga.
Ognuno di noi ha donato del tempo a questo progetto perché esso riesca nel migliore dei modi.

Se l'intenzione è di cenare all'ex-Rana Margaux si potrebbe fare un salto a parlare con le proprietarie (se non erro) e sentire la loro disponibilità tenendo presente il fattore tessere (ci sono stato diverse volte senza ma questo potrebbe non fare testo) ed anche non meno importante il fattore elasticità del luogo. Chi viene con me domani a parlarci???

A mio avviso però la proposta di Andrea è la più interessante sia come varietà (pizzeria e ristorante) che come disponibilità (non sappiamo ancora stimare se saremo in 5 oppure in 100...ricordiamocelo) e per questo non credo abbia fatto un torto a nessuno facendo una telefonata (non si sa mai tra feste varie che non ci sia posto).

Teniamo presente però che Richard ha chiaramente indicato le sue preferenze alimentari:

> >
> > I enjoy delicious food, and I like most kinds of cooking if they are
> > done well (the exception being that I cannot eat anything very spicy).
> > If I am ordering from the menu in a restaurant which has a variety,
> > there's no need for you to worry about the question of what I like; I
> > will take care of it.
> >
> > But if you want to cook for me, or invite me to a restaurant that
> > specializes in just one thing, you need to know what I dislike:
> >
> >    avocado
> >    eggplant, usually (there are occasional exceptions)
> >    hot pepper
> >    liver (even in trace quantities)
> >    stomach and intestine; other organ meats
> >    oysters
> >    egg yolk, except when boiled completely hard
> >    many strong cheeses, especially those with green fungus
> >    desserts that contain fruit or liqueur
> >    sour fruits, such as grapefruit and most oranges
> >    beer
> >    coffee (though weak coffee flavor can be good in desserts)
> >    the taste of alcohol (so I don't drink anything stronger than wine)
> >
> > Don't ever try to decide what food I should eat without asking me.
> > Never assume that I will surely like a certain dish, merely because
> > most people do.  Instead, ask me in advance!
> >
> >
> > Wine:
> >
> > Wine is not very important to me--not like food.  I like some kinds of
> > wine, depending on the taste, and dislike others, but I don't remember
> > the names of wines I have liked, so it is useless to ask me.
> >
> > Therefore, if you're having dinner with me, please don't ask me what
> > to do about wine.  I can't decide intelligently, and it matters more
> > to others than to me.  Have wine or don't, as you prefer; choose it to
> > please yourself and the others, not for me.
> >
> > If you get a bottle of wine, I will taste it, and if I like the taste,
> > I will drink a little, perhaps a glass.
> >
> >
> > Restaurants:
> >
> > So I like to go to restaurants that are good at whatever kind of food
> > they do.  I don't arrive with specific preferences for a kind of food
> > to eat--rather, I want to have whatever is good there: perhaps the
> > local traditional cuisine, or the food of an immigrant ethnic group
> > which is present in large numbers, or something unusual and original.
> >
> > So please don't ask me "Where do you want to eat?" or "What kind of
> > restaurant do you want to go to?"  I can't make an intelligent
> > decision without knowing the facts, and unless I am already familiar
> > with the city we're in, I can only get those facts from you.
> >
> > The only general thing I can tell you is that what I like or dislike
> > about a meal is the sensation of eating the food.  Other things, such
> > as the decor of a restaurant, or the view from its windows, are
> > secondary.  Let's choose the restaurant based on its food.
> >
> > A good approach is to ask around *in advance* among your acquaintances
> > to find people who like good food and are familiar with the area's
> > restaurants.  They will be able to give good recommendations.

Detto questo io ci sarò QUALUNQUE SIA LA META....mi interessa la compagnia...

Domani verrò anch'io alla conferenza stampa se non crea problemi.

Un saluto


PS: perdonate l'italiano non perfetto ma oggi sono proprio stanco.
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