(R)e: [Pluto-help] webcam,mplayer e qualcosaltro
(R)ex Sanna
rexsanna a tiscali.it
Gio 7 Nov 2002 17:01:19 CET
About '[Pluto-help] webcam,mplayer e qualcosaltro'
Certa gente me la mangerei.. ;o)
# 1. ho installato mplayer scaricandolo da un sito non ricordo quale ma
# posso rintracciarlo, ma non riesco a vedere ne .avi ne .wmv se vi
# servissero maggiori dettagli sull'output del comando proverò a
# ricavarci qualcosa
Se non riesci a vedere i files, significa che non hai scaricato una cosa importante
che sono quella cosa "win32" che non hai neanche guardato..
STEP0: Getting MPlayer
Official releases, prereleases and CVS snapshots, as well as fonts for the
OSD, Win32 codecs and a number of different skins for the GUI are available
from the download section of our homepage at
A set of fonts is necessary for the OSD and subtitles, the GUI needs at least
one skin and Win32 codecs add support for some more video and audio formats.
MPlayer does not come with any of these by default, you have to download and
install them separately.
STEP2: Installing Win32 Codecs
MPlayer and libavcodec have builtin support for the most common audio and video
formats, but some others are playable only with the Win32 DLLs or the XAnim
binary plugins. Examples include WMV video, DivX with WMA audio (not normal
DivX files) and Indeo. This step is not mandatory, but recommended for getting
MPlayer to play more different file types. Note that Win32 codecs only work on
Intel compatible PCs.
Unpack the codecs archive and put the contents in a directory where MPlayer
will find them. The default directory is /usr/lib/win32/ but you can change
that to something else by using the '--with-win32libdir=DIR' option when you
run './configure'.
STEP3: Configuring MPlayer
MPlayer has a lot of options that get selected in this phase. Run
to configure MPlayer with the default options. The codecs you installed above
should be autodetected. GUI support has to be enabled separately, run
./configure --enable-gui
if you want to use the GUI.
If something does not work as expected, try
./configure --help
to see the available options and select what you need.
The configure script prints a summary of enabled and disabled options. If you
have something installed that configure fails to detect, check the file
configure.log for errors and reasons for the failure. Repeat this step until
you are satisfied with the enabled feature set.
STEP4: Compiling MPlayer
Now you can start the compilation by typing
You can install MPlayer with
make install
provided that you have write permission in the installation directory.
If all went well, you can run MPlayer by typing 'mplayer'. A help screen with a
summary of the most common options and keyboard shortcuts should be displayed.
Leggi attentamente le istruzioni, non sfogliarle e basta, e questo
risolvera' il tuo problema..
# in ultimo ho provato ad installare i fonts truetype da windows come era
# scritto di fare in RH nagazine e cioè ho copiato la cartella che li
# contiene in /usr/share/fonts
# e poi ho dato il comando fc-cache TrueType perchè così avevo rinominato
# la cartella ma niente da fare non riesco ad averli a disposizioine.
(R)oot [neo][root] >kcmshell kcmfontinst
// Con questo, SEGUENDO LE ISTRUZIONI, puoi installare tutti i fonts
// che vuoi, e anche levarti quelli che non ti piacciono..
# grazie in anticipo per l'aiuto
Figurati, quando vuoi..
Facci/mi un favore : [anzi 4]
- Saluta la redazione Linux & C. [visto che hai coinvolto 2 ML]
- Leggi ATTENTAMENTE i files 'INSTALL' & 'README' e quello che ti capita sottomano.
[eviterai di bloccarti a meta' strada nelle installazioni di SW etc.. ]
- Leggi il file che ti allego in privato
[solita roba da HK]
- Fai una domanda per volta, cosi' risolvi un problema per volta, CAPENDOLO. ;o)
[Scusa il "rimprovero" ma e' piu' utile per te, mica per me.. ;o) ]
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