[PLUTO-ildp] Printing-HOWTO

Elisa lab a kkk.it
Ven 18 Feb 2005 23:06:15 CET

Ciao a tutti,

volevo ringraziare Paolo, Chiara, Silvia e Danilo per i
suggerimenti... penso di aver risolto la maggior parte delle cose, ho
solo ancora qualche dubbio.

Anche io avevo pensato che "venison" fosse un errore, invece l'ho
trovato ripetuto una seconda volta. Riporto le frasi precise:
" If your printer isn't supported by Red Hat's tools, you may need to
install a contributed venison of Aladdin Ghostscript, and will probably
also be better off if you use the lpdomatic or apsfilter packages, which
know all about the printers supported by late-model Ghostscripts, and
others besides."
"Debian also offers a choice of printer configuration tools; apsfilter
version 5 or later is probably your best bet, since that venison adds
support for LPRng and Ghostscript's uniprint driver scheme.  Red Hat's
printtool is also supported, for those who like GUI administration

Anche "appliance" mi quadra poco, riporto la frase intera: "Note that
the ISS company has identified an assortment of denial of service
attacks which hang HP Jetdirect interfaces.  Most of these have been
addressed beginning in Fall 98.  These sorts of problems are common in
embedded code; few appliance-style devices should be exposed to general
Internet traffic."

Ultima cosa, quel "walks and the like": ringrazio molto Chiara per la
spiegazione, non sapevo esattamente cosa fosse, ma non mi quadra perche'
SET e GET sono per l'appunto scritti maiuscoli, mentre walks no. Anche
in questo caso riporto tutta la frase: "While npadmin provides
simplified support for many network printers' SNMP interfaces, some
printers may have vendor extensions which npadmin doesn't know about. 
In this case, you can use the CMU SNMP tools, which support arbitrary
SNMP GET and SET operations, as well as walks and the like."

Grazie ancora!




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