[PLUTO-ildp] Testo utile anche per i newbie ..... :-)

Hugh Hartmann hhartmann a fastwebnet.it
Gio 10 Dic 2009 13:06:21 CET

Un saluto "ostinato" si propaga a tutti i partecipanti alla lista ... :-))

Ho pensato che questo testo (conseguente a queste mie parole ... :-) 
potrebbe essere chiarificatore, sopratutto per chi desiderasse scrivere 
un howto o una guida senza doversi scervellare con la miriade di tag di 
DocBook, sapendo poi che, anche se imperfettamente, è sempre possibile 
"convertire" l'sgml del LinuxDoc in sgml o xml di DocBook.

L'autore del breve testo (che potrebbe essere tradotto e trasformato in 
sorgente sgml .. :-)) è lo stesso di Howtos with LinuxDoc ... :-)

Ora, non dispiacetevi se mi congedo da voi e, se ne avete il tempo e la 
voglia, potreste dare un'occhiata a questo meraviglioso testo .... :-)))

<inizio testo>

             Comparison of DocBook to LinuxDoc (short).
     	by David Lawyer, June 23, 2000, revised Mar. 2005

Using DocBook instead of LinuxDoc requires many more tags and the tags
tend to be longer.  DocBook tags tend to be nested.  The tag clutter
makes DocBook both harder to read and harder to write.  Thus DocBook
is not nearly as easy to do by hand or by using macros in a text
editor.  Even with an editor that supports it, there is a lot more
complexity to writing in DocBook.

LinuxDoc is quoted with LD; DocBook with DB.
Example 1, A section with 2 paragraphs
DB  <Sect>
DB    <title>Introduction</title>
DB  <Para>First paragraph contents
DB  </Para>
DB  <Para>Second paragraph contents
DB  </Para>
DB  </Sect>

LD  <sect>Introduction
LD  <p>First paragraph contents
LD  Second paragraph contents
Example 2, emphasis
DB  <emphasis>release</emphasis>

LD  <em>release</em>
Example 3, Itemized lists
DB  <ItemizedList>
DB  <ListItem> <Para>
DB   This is the first item
DB  </Para> </ListItem>
DB  <ListItem> <Para>
DB    This is the second item
DB   </Para> </ListItem>
DB  <ListItem> <Para>
DB    This is the third item
DB   </Para> </ListItem>
DB  </ItemizedList>

LD  <itemize>
LD  <item> This is the first item
LD  <item> This is the second item
LD  <item> This is the third item
LD  </itemize>
Example 4, Author
DB    <author>
DB       <firstname>David</firstname>
DB       <surname>Lawyer</surname>
DB       <affiliation>
DB          <address><email>dave a lafn.org</email></address>
DB       </affiliation>
DB     </author>

LD <author>David Lawyer
LD <url url="mailto:dave a lafn.org">
One may use the linux "grep -c" command to help count the number of
tags in a doc.  Converting a linuxdoc document to docbook increased
the number of tags by about a factor of 3.  Linuxdoc usually doesn't
require both start and end tags like <title>My report</title>.  One
can just use <title>My report.  Also, in several cases both start and
end tags may be omitted and authors usually don't even realize that
such tags exist.  So the first step in machine conversion of linuxdoc
to other formats is to find and insert the missing tags.  Doing only
this step (as a test) resulted in about twice as many tags.

The conclusion is that a document in docbook will require a few times
as many tags and may require several times the effort due to more
tags, longer tags, tagging objects that would not need tagging in
linuxdoc, and a more complex structure of nested tags that the user
needs to deal with.  Linudoc has an underlying  structure almost as
complex as docbook but it's mostly hidden from the writer of

All of this makes Linuxdoc much easier to utilize than Docbook, but
potentially just as powerful if it were developed further.

</fine testo>

Au Revoire
Hugh Hartmann

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